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Friday, October 26, 2012
2nd Review of this BLOG
Dear Readers,
This is the 2nd Review of this blog. 1st Review was published on July 2009. You will find the title of the post and a little description below it. This could help you to browse my posts easily.
From July 2009 to October, 2012
Make Money Online from Bangladesh using PTC - Paid To Click:
Free and Easy way to make real money online:
The method of earning in these method were posted on July 5, 2009 and July 18, 2009. I am no more recommending anyone to join @ any PTC sites to make money. If you have any kind of interests with the Phrase - Paid To Click (PTC), you can read these posts above.
My Other Blogs
A little post containing URL link of my other Blogs.
How to Choose a Domain Name
This post will help you find some quality information's and tips about choosing an URL. How to find a better and easy memorable domain name or URL any, or any other self hosted blogs.
Make Money Online using Amazon Associate or Affiliate Program
A post about Amazon Associate program, how to create a new affiliate account and activate. A little description about some basic info about Amazon Associate / Affiliate program.
Best Books from best Online Money Maker
A review post on some E-Books relates to the keywords Make Money Online.
Outsourcing site to Earn Money from Online - Odesk
Odesk, one of the best and trusted freelancing website on the internet. A basic info about how to make money using this freelancing site ODESK.
Best Online Money Making Books - 2
2nd review post on some E-Books about online money making.
Basic Tips to write a better Article for your Blog
Five most common ans basic tips to increase your attention how to produce a better article for your blog or website. This could really help you.
Secrets to Make Money Online is back
After a long break this post has posted as a notification of upcoming regular posting of the Blog.
5 Tips to write a Quality Content
Content is king and Quality Content is the main key to traffic for any blog. 5 great tips will help to write a Quality Content.
Why most Blogger produce a Failed Blog ?
Publish blog is easy, lots of people are publishing lots of blogs on the internet for various purposes. But why among them a huge number of blogger produce a Failed Blog.
Things to Consider before publish a Blog
Read before you start, this could make you benefited for the future.
Recheck posts Regularly increase site Traffic
If you want to increase the number of hits per day in your blog, you should read it.
Related posts:
Review of my Blog Part-1
Submit Site to Blog Directories Part-1
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Recheck Posts regularly Increase site Traffic
This is one of the most important regular task for any professional blogger or webmaster. Rechecking previously posted article increase the chance to get lots of traffic. I have recently started rechecking my published blogs and I am getting this benefit directly and my readers are giving positive reply for that kind of changes.
Take a look at your blog posts, you will find something important to make changes. Technology changes and update every time. So to introduce yourself as a professional blogger regular checking is needed.
Below are some benefits that can can get from the blog checking activity:
Creates a professional Image of yourself:
A professional blogger always produces fresh, valuable, unique, up-to-date, attractable content for his blog. Regularly recheck previous posts is very important to keep your readers follow your writings. This will help you to create a Better and Professional image of yourself on the Blogging Platform. So, read your previous posts whenever get the chance. It will help you to express your professionalism to your readers.
Keep yourself Updated:
It helps to keep yourself updated about the upcoming changes and invention of new technologies. The entire field of blogging is standing upon the Internet Technology, so basically its important to keep yourself aware for the upcoming future techs. Suppose, you wrote a posts about the hardware and software requirements to running a computer games, the date the posting was 18th October, 2002. You should write that the main hardware requirements to run this games is Intel Pentium-III.
After 10 years in October, 2012 what hardware requirements are you going to write about the same game (may be advanced version) ? Intel Pentium-III ? Intel Core 2 Due ? or Intel i5 or Intel i7 ? In that kind of situation changes is needed. Do it, you will get some positive results for these changes.
More Keywords:
You can add some new keywords related to your blog topic, this will definitely increase your blog's SEO compatibility. At the beginning of any blog, the blogger starts with some selected keywords. If he continue this blog for long time, he discovers some new keywords related to the previous targeted keywords. So a review / recheck can definitely helps your blog.
Grammatical Error Correction:
Personally I am not a first class English language expert, Cause English is my second language and my first language is Bangla. When I recheck my old posts, I get the chance to correct any kind of previous grammatical mistake or error. It helps my postings to catch more attentions from my readers.
Gather new Idea to make New Posts:
When you start reviewing your blogs previous posts you will be able to discover lots of new related Title to produce New Posts. Sometimes a valuable new title or topic does not come easily. Start reading your previous posts can help to get ride over the the scene. Lots of new clues about new posts will appear on your mind. Write down on a paper those clues / title / topic instantly.
There are some remarkable, universal true contents that does not need any kind of recheck or review. These posts are really valuable for readers, they love it like Old Is Gold.
Dear Readers,
If you find something new related to this post, if you think that I missed something, please feel free to use the comment box below to share your thoughts to me and my readers.
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First review of Secrets to Make Money Online
SEO Tips - use Google Webmaster Tools
SEO Tips - Best Practices Part 5
SEO Best Practices - Part 4
SEO Best Practices - Part 3
Best Practices for SEO - Part 2
Best Practices for SEO - Part 1
SEO in my Blogs
On-Page Search Engine Optimization
Place ads on you site - make money for free
Create your own blog or web site - make real money
Sell Products online - cash for Affiliate Marketer
Bid Project and win - work as a Freelancer from home
Free and Exclusive Online Money Making Programs for BangladeshCreate your own blog or web site - make real money
Sell Products online - cash for Affiliate Marketer
Bid Project and win - work as a Freelancer from home
Work from Home as a Freelancer
Online Money Vault with Blogger Platform
Best CPC or PPC fro Bangladesh
SEO or Search Engine Optimization related post
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Things to Consider before publish a Blog
Blogging is interesting !
Blogging is so hard !
Blogging is Easy !
Blogging is tough !
..... From the aspects of different bloggers. These are the most common thinking of all bloggers (successful blogger or failed blogger / new blogger / professional blogger / whatever..). Blogs can be easy or hard but all we know that Blogging is very very powerful on the internet. At the starting blogging were treated as Journalism. Anyone can publish a blog from any corner of the world with free of cost. That's why its blogging profession is getting popularity day by day around the world. It does not need any kind of special computer skills to publish a blog.
Full time blogger are making a fine and standard living from their blogs, part time bloggers are also making lots of money from blogs too. Blogging has been so much popular that corporate national and international and all kind of companies publishes their own blog regularly inside their websites. Its the most easiest, cheapest way to express something to the whole world, to make some real money from online, to sell own or others products etc.
As Blogging is going to be more popular day by day, so the competition is getting harder and all the competitors / bloggers are getting smarter too. So if you want to do something better in the blogging industry, prepare yourself before publish your first post. Ask yourself some questions and write down the answers on the paper:
- Why do you want to start a blog ? What are the main purposes, Business or Personal or others ? It does not matter what you want to do with your blog in the future, it will come later. The important thing is that you have a valid reason that you understand well. There are lots of valid purpose people start blog, like someone publishes business blog, someone blogging about personal interests, fun, education, help blah blah blah . . Take time, do some paper work. Blogging is very easy to publish now, Wordpress, Blogger and lots of other blogging platforms are really cool ! Keep yourself busy, and do some research work, later it will help you a lots.
- Get ready to take some positive actions, you need to be Pro-Active, be Positive, think positive, keep focus on your attitude. Ignore the negative thoughts. Don't even think that you can't do that or its hard, don't use "may be or could be" type words cause it doesn't mean anything. Your belief must be 100% for all the time (99.9% even not accepted). If you have any doubts about your attitude, about your positivity than I won't recommend you to start blog, blogging is not for you. It will be better to spend your time with your other interested works.
- Find your own interests about one or two or more particular topics. Its different for some business or corporate blog, cause they select topic from their businesses. Than discover the niche from your topic and its related keywords. Keyword research is the better way to find out your targeted keywords. Its really important if you want huge traffic for your blog. Find the target audience/readers of your blog, you need some loyal readers. Prepare yourself ready to serve the humanity, try to give some thing unique and special to your readers that will really help them.
Some related posts:
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Why most Blogger Produce a Failed Blog ?
I was reading an article yesterday about some valuable money making tips on the internet, published by a famous blogger. Its awesome ! The writer tried to keep his main focus to the Personal Development of a blogger or webmaster. In the comments section of the article I found an interesting and very hard true comment.
The commenter must be a famous blogger or an internet geek, its an anonymous reply, its almost same big as the main article. In his comments he tried to highlighted the the main Causees of Failure in Blogging, Why most of new blogger still producing Failed Blog. Later I thought about it and tried to go to the deeper of the problem, and still going. In this post I tried to figure out the main cause of failure. Its only my personal opinion, you can make your opinion in the comment section.
In my high school life I learned an essay about "Science - The blessings for life". One sentence on the essay was like.. "The world is going to be Smaller day by day by some advanced inventions of Science". That time I was a little bit confused ! How it could be ? How the world can be Smaller day by day ?! (stupid thinking ! isn't it ?)
But now a days all we know how the world is really getting smaller day by day. Its happening due to the inventions of some Technologies. From my point of view, among all of these inventions INTERNET is the most powerful technology that helps us getting closer to each other (small world !).
How people used to communicate with each other, their friends and family before 15 + years from one country to another country ? They usually wrote a letter, go to the post office, post it, wait for the reply. . . ! One question from the sender > "How Are You ?" Reply from the other side > "I am Fine !", Sometime it took 10 days, 15 day, 20 day . . and so on !
But now a days, anyone can get connected to anybody around the world through the Internet using Chatt, E-mail, Social sites. . .etc. All of these became possible due to the Internet ans other Telecommunication Technology ! And that's the way that the World has become so small and getting smaller day by day, its almost in our hand now.
Now come to my Post Title: Almost every famous blogger writes the same thing when they talks about something like Money Making, blogging, etc,
"about 99% of bloggers quit blogging within the first 6 months of the starting and 1% become successful" !
100 people started blogging at the same time, at the starting all of them has almost same spirit, same desire, same attitude..... But after a while 99 people quit or produce a fail blog and earns the credit as a failed blogger. Only 1 person keep blogging and success starts to follow him ! Why ?
Whats are the main reasons of failure in blogging, internet marketing, freelancing or other related services ? I figured out these three main cause, Please take a look.
- We start blogging only to Make Money: We think we can make a lot of money from the Internet. We want to become a millionaire within a short period time (1 month, 2 month or . . . 6months). But we didn't get the Money! so FAIL and QUIT. . . !
- Leak of Self Confidence: When we plan to do something at the starting our Confidence reaches at the highest level. But after a short while it becomes . . . 0 ! Interests about blogging, money making are gone. so FAIL and QUIT. . . !
- Technical Disability: People came from other study background came here and start blogging to make money. They starts blogging, make some posts in a typical way, cant apply anything special to their sites or blogs (Design, SEO and other). A single cent did not come. . ! so FAIL and QUIT.
Lots of point can be made regarding the cause of failed blogging. But which one is the main cause ? I am going to write some posts about How to become a failed blogger ? How to produce a fail blog ? !
Dear readers, what do you think ? which one is the main cause of so many people start and quit in a short period of time ?
Is it the leakage of Self Confidence ?
Or the leak of Patience ?
Or Technical Disability ?
Or . . . . ?
Read Other Related posts:
Write a better Article for your Blog
How to become a Failed Blogger ?
How to produce a Fail Blog ? !
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
5 Tips could help to write a Quality Content
Almost every Blogger on the internet gives advice to a newbie or old to write Unique Content for blogs or websites. This is the most common tips (and universal truth) for every blogger. I am writing on this site after a long period. In previous post I have mentioned a long communication gap with my readers.
Dear Readers,
Keep an eye on my blog regularly, I am going to share some new tips and some hidden perfect secrets with you to make money online and related to that topic. Secrets that are hidden in somewhere I am going to show them up.
Writing unique content is easy, but writing quality contents is not easy I think. I am used to follow some blog regularly, when get time read other posts. Today I read 5/6 posts in some other blogs. Some of these are famous blogs in the world. In every blog I saw the same thing, each and every blogger are giving the same advice for the audience about to write always Quality and Unique content.
So, what you have to do to write a Quality content to attract readers ?
Below I am giving some common tips which any blogger can follow before writing a post. I am writing about these tips because I am already getting some real benefit following them. Its easy, just need some concentration !
Wake up and write down the notes:
This technique is amazing to complete any kind of hard or easy work, not only for bloggers or Article Writer. For blogging posts it is very helpful, I proved myself. I usually write down my post title / keywords or any related hints regards my post on a paper after wake up from bad (I am a full time blogger now). For the whole day long I get remembered from inside that something I have to do, What ? a blog posting, Where ? In my ... blog, When ? before yesterday. OK. fine ! I memorize it through the whole day many times. These helps me to write more easily and attentively my topic or post. You can try this, I think it will help.
Read Valuable Content on similar to your Topic:
If you are a regular blogger you must following someones blog, read find out on the web some posts related to your topic and start reading. A new blogger should read at least 5 or more articles related to their topic. Try to give your highest concentration while reading others valuable writings, take some notes on a paper. I am not talking about Copy Paste. Reading other blogs or article will help your thoughts to come up from inside yours. Writing valuable and quality content will be easier for you, just do it before the writing.
Take Preparation before the Writing:
Its time to choose a better post title first. You can do a little keyword research with Google or if you have any other keyword search software, It will helps to create a better and attractive post title. Include at least 2 or 3 keywords in the post tile. To make an attractive title keep focus on your main targeted keyword. And don't get upset if you were not able to complete the whole title (sentence). Keep memorize or write on a paper your keywords or not-completed title. While writing the draft, in the body of the Article you will see lots of suitable and attractable posts title will show up. Write down instantly on a paper that comes up. Finalize the title before the post published.
Use pen and paper first:
This is one of my best technique while I am going to write something new on the web. After completing a little bit keyword research I write those on a paper and give try to finalize the title. Then comes the main part.. now the journey starts. I write an initial sentence on a paper, than start to thinking... I don't write the whole article on the paper ! Write only hints about the whole article in my own words (Sometime I can't understand myself !!). These process is really helping me to produce a better post. I usually do it for hard topic. You can try this, it will help you a lot and you will enjoy it by doing regularly.
Target the Readers not the Search Engines:
While writing an article assume that your readers are sitting in front of you. They are asking you various questions and you are answering them clearly. Always write for the Audience not for the Search Engines. This is Google's main advice. Search Engine Algorithms are getting smarter and harder day by day. So if you want to get closer to your audience and want to attract them about your sites and blogs, you need to give more concentration on your writing. People browse internet for valuable / useful information, from which they can get some benefit. If you are a blogger than think about yourself on the place of your readers, it will be easier to produce a quality output !
These are the most common and basic tips need to create a better blog post from me. I applied all these above 5 tips to to create this blog post. Is it really bad ? Please feel free to make your valuable comments.
Read Related Topic:
Tips to Create a Better Blog Post
Always pick a Better Blog Topic
How to Create a Simple and Better Blog
Quality Content increase PageRank and Possibility of Getting Indexed
Length of a Post - Long or Short which is better for a Blog ?
My own Article Writing Secret Tactic
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Secrets to Make Money Online is back !
Hello Viewers !
Its been a long time I was irregular from blogging. From now I am going to make regular posting to my blog. I really apologize for this.
From now on you will get some new tips about making money online, article writing tips, blogging tips in this blog. I have started blogging from a long time. From now I will share some of my new experiences about various topic with you. I have some other blog which I am going to share with you.
In this long time I received a lots of comment and mail. These really inspired me to start again. I was a little bit busy about my personal ...
Please keep reading and watching regularly for some upcoming special posts, tips and tricks. And keep your valuable commenting on my blog.
Thanks a lot for your patience.
Its been a long time I was irregular from blogging. From now I am going to make regular posting to my blog. I really apologize for this.
From now on you will get some new tips about making money online, article writing tips, blogging tips in this blog. I have started blogging from a long time. From now I will share some of my new experiences about various topic with you. I have some other blog which I am going to share with you.
In this long time I received a lots of comment and mail. These really inspired me to start again. I was a little bit busy about my personal ...
Please keep reading and watching regularly for some upcoming special posts, tips and tricks. And keep your valuable commenting on my blog.
Thanks a lot for your patience.
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